Terms & Conditions

The Company, shall mean: GBS joinery (llp)

Quotations submitted by the company shall remain valid for a period of 90 days unless some other period is stated therein. The price quoted shall be the price payable for all goods and services provided by the company as described within the quotation less any discount allowed to the customer as agreed prior to order.

There shall be added to all goods and services value added tax at the current rate.

The customer may cancel any order without penalty within fourteen days of the order date excluding Sundays and bank holidays, cancellations must be served in writing to the companies address or by e mail. Cancellations after this time will incur penalty charges representing the cost of all goods purchased and the proportion of completed work.

Unless otherwise expressly agreed prior to commencement an insured deposit of 25% of the order value including vat shall be required by the company with in the case of supply and installation further uninsured interim payments as agreed the balance being payable upon satisfactory completion of installation and in the case of supply only goods payment in full after inspection by the customer and prior to release. Unless otherwise expressly agreed prior to commencement the customer will not retain any amount of funds after completion.
The company reserves the right to charge interest on overdue and unpaid accounts at the rate of 2% over bank ( Lloyds TSB) base rate per month. The company reserves the right where genuine doubt as to the customers financial position arises or in the case of failure to pay for goods to suspend commencement completion or delivery of any order without liability until satisfactory security or payment has been provided.

The delivery dates specified in any order are approximate only. The company will not be liable under any circumstances for the consequences of any delay or failure to deliver. No delay shall entitle the customer to reject or repudiate any order.The company will endeavor to meet any schedule of customers requirements at the date of order but will accept no liability whatsoever for delay or failure to meet such requirements howsoever such delay or failure may arise .If for any reason the customer is unable to accept delivery or collection of goods when due, the company may charge the customer reasonable cost for the storage of such goods including insurance.

Title to the goods shall remain with the company until payment in full has been received from the customer for the goods and services . At any time before title to the goods passes to the customer the company may without prejudice to any of it’s other rights retake possession of all or part of the goods.

The company warrants in relation to the goods of the companies manufacture that it will either correct repair or replace goods that are subject to companies warranties. The company will require a reasonable period of time to carry out any such repairs or replacements. Exchanged goods shall become the property of the company .
The company shall not be liable for any products supplied that are found to have latent and / or natural defects or for the performance of any timber specie and the effects of atmospheric conditions on the products either internal or externally.

It is a condition precedent to any liability of the company that :
All joinery supplied shall be stored in a dry place stacked flat slightly raised of the ground and adequately protected from the weather and that no joinery shall be installed in a building that has not been adequately dried out . All joinery supplied bare shall be suitable primed without delay after receipt and all joinery shall require further coats of paint or stain as soon as possible. Any surfaces subsequently cut particularly those exposing end grain require brush coating or dipping with preservative before being fixed in position.
All joinery shall be installed correctly in accordance with normal trade practices and adequately maintained in service. Protective surface finish of external joinery shall be maintained in service and moisture shall not be allowed to penetrate into the timber .

All claims must be in writing using the companies claim form and sent to the companies address or by e mail. In the event of a claim the customer must not have or attempted to alter the goods in any way and must have complied with all recommendations relating to the goods . Please see care information and claims form available upon request or from the companies web site www.gbsjoinery.co.uk

The company accepts no liability for existing faults, defects or distortions to the customers own property which are either apparent or appear during or are caused by the work howsoever arising unless as a result of the companies own negligence and shall not under any circumstances accept liability for any damages, compensation, costs, losses or expenses arising whether direct or consequential.

The company is entitled to assume that all measurements, drawings, descriptions, specifications and any information supplied by the customer to the company whether written or verbal are in all respects completely accurate and entirely suitable for the customers requirements. The company shall accept responsibility for the performance, suitability or durability of any goods, materials or workmanship comprised therein to the extent that the same is manufactured in accordance with the customers designs drawings and specifications and subject to the companies warranties.
Whilst assistance to measure for manufacture may be freely offered where the company is to accept sole responsibility a survey fee may be charged.

Once installed all goods become the sole responsibility of the customer.

The company is entitled to assume that the persons named and signing all orders are authorised to do so and responsible for payments as agreed and that all funds are available at the point of order and that they have read and understood the terms and conditions and that no other undeclared party has an interest.

Subject to statutory consumer rights and the current law of England and Wales.